Apartment List

On this page you can see the details of each apartment.
Click on the button at the end of the table to view the floor plan of each apartment.
Scroll down to the interactive apartment selector, where you can see the project in 3D


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wdt_ID Apt. No. Floor Size (m2) Balcony (m2) Private garden (m2) Living room + Bedroom Status Details
1 A/Fsz/1 Ground 70,94 28,75 110,14 L+1 SOLD MORE INFO
2 A/Fsz/2 Ground 115,17 38,00 201,52 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
3 A/I/1 1. 101,09 23,28 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
4 A/I/2 1. 81,57 21,54 L+2 SOLD MORE INFO
5 A/II/1 2. 101,97 23,28 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
6 A/II/2 2. 90,40 21,54 L+2 SOLD MORE INFO
7 B/Fsz/1 Ground 97,95 59,18 55,37 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
8 B/Fsz/2 Ground 95,70 94,74 53,74 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
9 B/I/1 1. 95,87 26,26 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO
10 B/I/2 1. 98,83 36,49 L+3 RESERVED MORE INFO
11 B/II/1 2. 70,69 26,27 L+2 SOLD MORE INFO
12 B/II/2 2. 91,31 64,72 L+3 SOLD MORE INFO

Sizes in the table show gross register sizes. This dimension is the size within the boundary walls, which includes the area under the partitioning walls. The floor plans show the net size of the current layout, which may vary according to customer alterations.

Choose your flat

Hover over a the plus signs to see the apartment details and click on the icon and take a look at the floor plan. On a smartphone please use it in landscape view.

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